Proving that Marketing is more than just colouring in.

Marketing Audit for Start-ups, Scale-ups and SMEs

Marketing Audit


Marketing Audit

For centuries Start-ups, Scale-ups and SMEs have been wasting precious budget. Spending money on ill-defined Marketing activities. As John Wanamaker once quipped: "Half the money I spend is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."

Thankfully times have changed and we can track Marketing spend and ROI better than ever before. It is important to take stock of your Marketing strategy, performance, resources and assets periodically. Otherwise, you too will continue the tradition of wasting precious budget.


Internal Marketing

Us humans are a curious bunch and we love to know what's going on around us. If you aren't talking to your staff to keep them informed and motivated, you've either already experienced high staff-turnover, or you soon will. Not to mention the detrimental effect poor staff morale has on your prospective customers / clients. 

Our Internal Marketing Audit takes a look at your Internal Marketing strategy, performance, assets and resources to-date and provides actionable insight based on best-in-class Internal Marketing techniques and tools. 


External Marketing

If your Internal Marketing engine is firing on all cylinders, it's time to take a closer look at what, and how, you're going to show yourself off to the world through your External Marketing.

There are 100 things that you could do with your External Marketing, but there are 98 ways of wasting precious time, effort and budget. 

With our External Marketing Audit, we get under the skin of what is and isn't working with your current approach. We provide a plethora of ideas and guidance on how to trim down on wasted effort helping you focus on building your business for success.


Competitor Analysis

Competitors; we've all got them. Whether you are a Start-up or Global giant. They are there, waiting. Waiting to take your customers, ready to undercut you. 

The question is; do you know who they are? Do you know what products/services they sell? What their current strategies are? What their strengths and weaknesses are? This is just the tip of the iceberg, but only when you can answer these questions honestly can you say you know who they are. More importantly, then you can set your strategies and tactics to out-manoeuvre them. 

Our Competitor Analysis gives you that advantage.

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Market Research

Fundamental to success but frequently overlooked, Market Research should be at the very foundation of your Marketing. How well you know the Market you are operating in, or are looking to operate in, will dictate your success, your struggles or your failure.

After all, what's the use in having the latest and greatest product or service if there is no market, demand or barriers to entry that stop you before you start. 

Our Market Research provides the level of insight required to get you on your way to where you want to go. 


Value Proposition

What is your Unique Selling Point? Is it actually all that different? What problems do you solve? What is your Value Proposition? Is it one your employees associate themselves with, one they can recount if thrown in to an elevator pitch?

Being 'good' isn't enough any more. Being 'good' makes you invisible.

Is what you are saying really going to entice your target audience? Or is it just the same as everybody other company in your industry is saying?

With our Value Proposition Workshop we get under the skin of what your Value Proposition should be.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

In the words of Sun Tzu; "Tactics without strategy is just noise."

Running your Marketing Tactics without having them connected through a clear strategy that is aligned with your business goals is the fastest way to waste your Marketing budget. 

We work with you to develop a straight-forward Marketing Strategy that will help you achieve your business goals and focus on other areas of your business. 


Contact Us 

We are real people who answer the phone and reply to e-mails.

Get in touch using the form below, or call +44 (0)20 8068 6814